“The Seasons” is a story about the cycles of the universe, the planet, human lives, relationships, the evolution of the relationship of one couple in particular.
Like every other arts organization, Parasol Arts is feeling the financial impact of Covid 19.
Typical revenue generating events have been cancelled since March and with theatres remaining closed, the production of “The Seasons” which was to premiere in September can no longer be performed live. Parasol Arts’ annual gala fundraiser set for September 11th has also been cancelled.
However, the show must go on and at a time when the arts are more necessary than ever as a way to inspire and lift the spirits, Parasol Arts is thinking “outside the box” of the stage and is excited to bring you a film version of “The Seasons.”
Award winning film maker, Mitch Dickman of Listen Productions is working closely with Creative Director, Lorita Travaglia to create a work of art about the cycle of the seasons ranging from the macrocosm of the universe to the microcosm of the intimacy of human relationships.
World class Argentine Tango stars, Diana Cruz and Donato Juarez, who starred in Parasol Arts’ last production “Carmen the Tango” are joined by Domenico Luciano former principal dancer with Colorado Ballet, in this unique look at the seasons of human connection.
In addition, the show will incorporate the artwork of Michelle Courier of Denver’s Westward Gallery, music by The Austin Piazzolla Quintet and guitarist Grisha Nisnevich, and the poetry of Vivaldi as the setting for the dance.